
1. Aria arrives at the abandoned fort. She is trying to find something important.
2. She receives a telepathic vision/message that leads her to the underground entrance. Somehow Aria is able to unlock it due to her alien powers/knowledge, and with the help of faint whispers that she hears in her head.
3. Underground she finds an abandoned facility. Spooky stuff happens – does she hear whispering in the tunnels or does she imagine it? but Aria insists on continuing.
4. With a further memory-vision, Aria walks down a corridor, the walls and floors marked with strange alien symbols. she hears the same voice – an alien language – this time it becomes more audible. Chimes are also faintly heard in the distance.
5. Aria goes on and continues to work her way out of this maze like darkness.
6. She suddenly drops her flashlight which ends up pointing towards something. It is a strange image of her father, her younger self with a twin sister and they are labelled A and B – Aria and Bia.
7. Aria then flips it over to see a picture of a deceased head that resembles her father in the first picture.
8. Aria’s twin Bia reveals her presence but stays in the shadows. Aria spots this and makes a run for it, she gets heavily spooked but then finally stops to catch her breath, she leans on something and notices it has a handle. She opens the door and reveals a bright purple light. Chimes start playing.
9. Bia finally reveals herself in a brutalist style room which is well lit, she says it wasn’t memories or visions that led Aria here, but it was her through telepathy. Bia tries to convince Aria to stay, that they must stay together. Aria tries to convince Bia that humans will accept them if they can understand them, and the evidence in the lab will help them do that. Bia becomes angry and says all humans will not accept her, and steps into the light to reveal she has a more obvious alien look.
10. As the sister gets angry she exudes power. Aria tries to run but Bia catches her, Aria then inserts a syringe into Bia to extract some DNA, Bia becomes weak because of this.
11. Aria is back outside where she started, she starts blankly staring ahead as chimes continue to play in her head!
ARIA – protagonist notes
Philomath. Intelligent. Has knowledge of her origins. Has latent alien/hybrid powers.
Insular. Chip on her shoulder from being different, having no family, being alone. Cannot control her alien/hybrid powers and suffers from their influence (insomnia, confusion, disorientation). Cannot tell the difference between a memory vision and a dream message.
To understand her background and whether or not she is alone in the universe. To answer the question, is she human? Alien? Both? Neither? To figure out who and what she is.
The helpless victim with no understanding of the grand schemes of powerful men.
Aria was the first test subject of a program which merged alien and human DNA into being known as Hybrids. The aim of the program was to clone dead recovered aliens for further study using human DNA to replace missing/damaged alien DNA. Her father was the chief scientist who ran the program. He decided to free Aria from the program and put her into foster care before he was killed. Aria has been receiving dream messages that suggest she may have a sister Hybrid. The messages have been telling Aria to return to the lab, but although she has vague memories of the place.
To understand her dream messages. To learn more about and understand her past and her origins. To access her father’s lab and find evidence of the Hybrid program. To find out if she has a Hybrid sister/clone. To connect with and form a relationship with her Hybrid sister/clone. To escape the facility alive and with the information she’s recovered.
The confusing nature of her memories and the dream messages. She doesn’t know if her visions are from old memories or dreams and doesn’t understand that her sister/clone is sending her messages. Finding the entrance to the underground lab in an abandoned military site. Navigating the dark tunnels and corridors underground including following clues or symbols that lead to the lab. proof of her origins and evidence of her sister/clone in the lab. Communicating and reaching an understanding with her sister/clone. Fleeing the powerful sister/clone and escaping the lab alive.

Supporting Character
Bia – Aria’s alien twin sister
Enhanced alien hybrid powers. Strength, speed, resilience to harm, some telepathy.
Doesn’t understand the normal world. Sees all humans as a threat. Doesn’t look completely human so she can’t live outside in the normal world.
To connect with her alien ancestors. To be free from the perceived threat she believes all humans pose to her. To connect with her other siblings and keep them safe. To create a safe life for other hybrids.
Being evil for the sake of being an evil scary villain.
She is an alien-human Hybrid like Aria but she was kept in the lab and experimented on in the program as a test subject. Feeling betrayed by her father, she ultimately developed the power to escape and kill him. Entering the world as a teenager, she could not fit in or find a home. As she got older she found she couldn’t hide her developing alien looks or powers. An outcast without other choices, she returned to the abandoned lab and has turned it into a home and sanctuary. She eventually learned about her sister Aria from documents in the lab and from her dreams and has been trying to connect with her through telepathic/dream messages. She knows Aria is now looking for her and senses her presence as Aria gets closer. She is ready for Aria’s arrival.