Screenwriter, Actress, Producer
Mari is an actress, screenwriter and producer She has worked for many years as a broadcast journalist for the BBC World Service. She has also run the Russian Film Week in the UK as Head of PR until she decided to dedicate most her time to working in the film industry. Mari has written several short film scripts, one feature and a series pilot scripts. Mari’s script had been developed into a short film BOOKED. She has worked as an actress on many film productions (see: www.imdb.me/MariAlexander). She also works in theatre and performed with the Russian Classics Theatre and the 274 Theatre Company in London and abroad.

Actor, Director, Videographer, Composer, Guitarist
Leroy studied Performing Arts and Music and has worked as a freelance musician for several years before returning to acting. Leroy has also worked as a videographer and video editor and more recently has started directing short films and documentaries. See: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12453750/?ref_=tt_cl_t_6).

Screenwriter, Actor
Pawan Sahni is a writer: his first short film TRANSGRESSOR has won five awards. Pawan is currently developing his next short film script: ARIA, which has the potential to be transformed into a comic book series.Aside from writing, Pawan is an actor (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9920780/?ref_=tt_cl_t_7), he trained at Brian Timoney’s Actor Studio and he is an avid fan of books, history, archaeology and documentaries.

Since graduating Met Film School in 2015 Anna has been working on multiple indie sets. Though her primary focus is Cinematography, she has dabbled in scriptwriting, as well as set and costume design. She has been awarded Best Cinematographer at Falcon International Film Festival in October 2021 for her work on a neo-noir short STALLED, as well as Best Costume Design for A NIGHT IN at Beyond the Curve International Film Festival in 2021.
Anna Dushenkina
Set and Costume Designer

Actor, Scriptwriter, Sound professional
Luke Foames is an actor and sound professional, with some script writing experience. In-depth knowledge of sound technology, Meisner, and Stanislavsky acting techniques, and audio production.