10 mins | Short film (2023)

A civilised society simply doesn’t believe in werewolves
Director: Clarissa Itschert
Writer: Anna Dushenkina
Cast: Filip Ghinea, Neil Berrett, Leroy Rogers, Joanne Silvester
Behind the scenes

She learned her craft from the previous healer, as well as a collection of ancient books that she inherited from her. The young woman is very in tune with nature and the world around her, at peace with herself. She is quick witted, observant and does have a bit of an adventurous streak as well.
She keeps her mind open, and her heart kind.
She understand people well through combination of both logic and empathy.
Her boyfriend is a werewolf, the carrier of “Curse of the Moon”.

A young man, who had a somewhat rough start in life. As soon as he displayed the “Curse of the Moon”, he was exiled from his village, and since then has been mostly travelling from one village to the other.
When he met the herbalist, she excepted him.

A young man, who nevertheless has already established himself as a smart and promising detective. Born and raised in the big city, well educated, interested in sciences and technological advancements, he is quite dismissive of the village superstitions about “a werewolf”, as well as the primitive “healing” methods of the local herbalist. One can hardly believe such a backwards place still exists at the time when mankind is on the verge of understanding everything about this world that we rightfully rule!
A job is a job, however, and he is going to tick all the boxes and interview every potential witness.
The injured guy probably got drunk and was attacked by a dog because he stepped on it’s tail or something. Same happened to the other two, clearly.

Curse of the Moon – werewolf abilities. It is passed on genetically or through a ritual, and is an ability to shape-shift, alternating between a wolf and a human body. The ability manifests in early teenage years. It is usually uncontrollable at first, though it is possible to master the skill and change at will. It is also possible to retain the same mind and mentality (a real-life analogy could be lucid dreaming).
There are a lot of superstitions about werewolves, and people tend to be afraid of them. Werewolves are not more aggressive than any other human, though they are stronger. Is fear warranted? You decide.
The general culture is close to Victorian, especially in the city. It is the time of technological and scientific progress.
On the flip side, the gap between the city and the rural communities has grown immensely.
The village exists as if outside time. Here science and technology are but a distant echo. The life is a lot more simple.